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New Workforce Solutions Launches at Thrive

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Thrive Team
Modern Workforce Solutions: Outplacement, Redeployment, Career Management and Training, Government Employment Services

New Workforce Solutions Launched at Thrive

Thrive is proud to announce the launch of its new suite of Workforce Solutions, helping organizations meet today’s changing work landscape and supporting employee career development. 

A growing panel of AI-enabled tools power Thrive’s four Workforce Solutions offering a personalized career program for small and mid-sized businesses, enterprise, and public sector organizations.


Thrive Outplacement helps ensure that those departing an organization are best supported in their transition to their next opportunity.  Thrive’s array of flexible, human-centered services and tools are designed to evaluate, upskill, and assist those in their job search.

Thrive Outplacement helps protect a customer's brand reputation, reduces their risk of litigation, and helps maintain a positive relationship with their workforce.  

According to a Harris Insights and Analytics Poll, “83% of those surveyed said offering outplacement services to laid-off employees would improve their opinion of the organization.” 

Learn more about how we simplify the outplacement and layoff process here


Thrive Redeployment is an industry proven, easy to use, flexible platform that enables employers to quickly evaluate current skills and capabilities, fill internal roles, and as a result, free up valuable time and resources to grow their business. In a world of perpetual disruption, the Thrive platform assists workers to adapt, reskill, discover and move into  new roles, managing unnecessary employee churn by enabling upward career mobility.

Let Thrive power your Redeployment program. Click here to learn more

Career Management & Training

Participants in the Thrive Career Management & Training program have access to AI-powered, personalized tools to help them identify where their skill gaps are, and access industry-leading learning platforms to bridge those gaps. Participants can also take advantage of career coaching to provide one-on-one career path mapping and recommendations on courses or resources available in the Thrive platform to help individuals reach their goals. 

Offering an opportunity for employees to plot their learning and development course gives them control over how their career moves forward. In a report by ClearCo it was noted that companies have a, “34% higher retention among employees who have opportunities for professional development."

If you are interested in providing upskilling and reskilling opportunities to your employees, let us show you what we can offer.

Employment Services

Thrive offers customizable digital delivery within government employment services and workforce development ecosystems. To date, Thrive has served over 20,000 job seekers, local employers and service providers through government programs. We’ve helped job seekers find meaningful employment and connected them to local employers. 

Thrive offers a combination of accessible software that utilizes AI to make the job search process self-guided and user-friendly, with live human support in both an onboarding and customer service capacity, and career coaching services. 

Our platform has been designed and built from the ground up to meet all government security and compliance requirements ensuring that user data remains encrypted and safe.

Let us tell you about our latest digital delivery of services to government groups in Ontario and Alberta. Click here to get in touch.

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