The future of work is changing rapidly, and the need for upskilling has never been greater.

To help individuals navigate their careers, including the rapidly changing world of work, Thrive has created a methodology for our programs and platform experience, which we call the Thrive Approach.
A major component of our approach is how Thrive assesses where every individual is in their career wellness journey and plans a course of action to help them advance and grow in their careers. This approach can be applied no matter what the end goal is for the individual.
Companies work with Thrive to support their employees at various stages of the employee lifecycle, including those who require outplacement services due to restructuring or layoffs, those who are given internal redeployment support to find another role within the organization, and even those whom organizations want to retain and develop internally by enhancing their skill set to perform better in their roles, pursue more senior roles, and plan for the future of work with role evolution.
Regardless of the use case, the Thrive Approach can be applied to every experience to identify where the individual is, where they want to be, and how Thrive can partner with your organization to help them get there. Below is an example of what our approach looks like when it comes to traditional job search. This experience can be augmented and tailored for every use case, such as an individual wanting to start their own business, redeploy to another department of the organization, or simply wanting to develop their career in their existing role.

Get Ready
An individual must understand their own skill sets and what they want to do, while formulating what their first steps are. All before implementing their job search.
Thoughts from an individual who is in this phase of their career journey
- What skills do I have?
- What does the local labour market look like?
- What careers align with my skills and values?
- How should I create or update my resume as a first step?
This is how Thrive can guide and support them through this stage
Self-Assessment, Research, and Planning
- Identify skills, strengths, and career areas of interest with an initial onboarding meeting, and 1:1 Career Coaching
- Review experiences, and update/create a resume with the Thrive Resume Builder which is optimized for applicant tracking systems
- The Career Path Explorer generates a unique Skills ID based on the analyzed resume, and uses that to explore and evaluate recommended potential jobs and career paths
- Networking and contact management tools assist to facilitate further research into industries and roles of interest

Level Up
After an individual has identified their skills, experiences, where they want to go, and what their first steps are, Thrive can assist fill in the gaps and help them develop with a suite of services, resources, and software tools.
Thoughts from an individual who is in this phase of their career journey
- I want to enroll in relevant courses/programs to gain relevant certifications, what learning platforms will work best for me?
- I want to upskill my existing skill set
- What services in the Thrive Marketplace can help me enhance my career profile?
- Is my approach and strategy to job search and applications effective?
This is how Thrive can guide and support them through this stage
Fill In Gaps, Learning Plan, Upskilling and Reskilling
- Review, strategize, and improve job search approach through additional 1:1 Career Coaching
- Improve interview skills with interview preparation coaching
- Receive learning recommendations from the Career Path Explorer for desired career path
- Access 80+ career services through the Thrive Marketplace if Flex Spend tokens are available
- Access contemporary services such as a professional headshot, business cards, and even personal brand coaching
- 9 different learning and development platforms available via the Marketplace including Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Codecademy, and Pluralsight
- Learning Centre content geared around developing job search strategies, personal branding, and more

Finally, after an individual has achieved career readiness, and has engaged with tools and resources to improve their career profile are they ready to execute on their career wellness plan. This could be navigating each stage of a job search, from applications, interviewing, to starting their new roles. This could also be leadership training, additional upskilling, or pursuing an internal role or promotion.
Thoughts from an individual who is in this phase of their career journey
- I want to be as efficient as possible with applications and tracking
- I want to practice interviewing for an upcoming round with a target company
- I am in the final interview stages, how can I seal the deal?
- I want to continue developing my skills even while I look for another role
- Excited to start my new role, how do I succeed in it and continue growing my career?
This is how Thrive can guide and support them through this stage
Job Applications, Job Interviews, Promotion and Growth
- Receive expert career coaching while navigating the different hiring stages, from applications, to initial interviews to negotiations
- Utilize the job search management tools such as the job tracker in order to stay organized
- Access mock interview coaching sessions ahead of the actual interview
- Even after starting a new role, individuals can continue to engage with Thrive programs and resources to accelerate success and career wellness
The Thrive model with custom programs, and Flex Spend tokens allows for ultimate flexibility and choice. No matter what the program and use cases look like, our unique approach to helping individuals advance their careers works, and is the modern solution required for the future of work.
Click here to learn more about our approach
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