Thrive Stories

Thriving Through Transition: Amanda's Journey with Thrive

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Thrive Team
Thriving Through Transition: Amanda's Journey with Thrive

As a human resource professional, Amanda Yeaman was always prepared to listen, support, and guide every employee, even during the most difficult times.

She navigated the complexities of her previous roles with grace and expertise, but when she found herself at a crossroads during her career transition, she too sought direction.

Amanda seized the opportunity to pursue a new challenge and level up her career, with the help of Thrive.

Embracing Change with Vision

When Amanda’s career took an unexpected turn, she saw an opportunity to continue her upward trajectory and felt ready to take on a new challenge. However, she needed better clarity, direction, and support along her career journey to pursue new opportunities with confidence.

We recognized that Amanda was looking for more than just a new resume, but also wanted to take the next step in her professional journey. Through Thrive, Amanda engaged in conversations about the career paths available to her, job search strategies, and interview preparation with her Gallagher career coach, Carol Wert.

She remarks:

“Thrive helped me by reviewing my resume, providing suggestions and updates, and I was able to use the portal to access some additional services such as speaking with a live coach to discuss job search strategies, networking, upskilling, etc. This allowed me to not only better position myself as a candidate but also to take a deep and much-needed look at my personal and career goals. Due to the coaching, assistance, and support provided by Thrive, I was able to market myself in a niche industry and land a specialized position that I had only ever dreamed of.

A Dream Role Realized

With renewed confidence and a clear vision, Amanda ventured into a niche industry and took a chance on her dream career. Her efforts bore fruit when she secured a position as Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment Manager, within a few months. Initially as a 3-month contract which turned into a permanent role.

Amanda shares with enthusiasm,

“I am now a full-time employee for an awesome company in a position that I love with awesome co-workers. Thanks to Thrive’s resources, I was able to pinpoint the kind of work that interests me, that I enjoy, and that still provides a challenge. I landed a position in a great company that values its employees and provides opportunities for growth. I could not be happier with this outcome.”

Why choose Thrive?

For HR leaders seeking a truly transformative career transition solution to support departing employees, Thrive can help.

Our career wellness platform and unique approach are why organizations globally partner with Thrive to support them and their workforce, whether it is outplacement/career transition, internal redeployment, or even career management and upskilling their employees.

Are you ready to provide your people with the support they need to Thrive? Learn more about us and discover how we can help your workforce navigate the changing future of work.

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