
The Thrive Client Portal

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Thrive Team
The Thrive Client Portal

The Thrive Client Portal is a valuable tool that can help human resource teams support their employees more effectively and efficiently.

HR professionals can access an easy-to-use interface to quickly invite and manage team members, analyze trends and metrics on employee engagement and review anonymized feedback from employees, to help make informed decisions about future programs. The Thrive Client Portal offers HR teams an array of resources to easily track and improve employee experience with state of the art analytics tools.

Discover all the benefits available to human resource professionals on the Thrive Client Portal.

The Dashboard

Would you like to have a clear picture of your employees’ progress and an overview of how they are spending their Flex tokens? 

The Thrive Client Portal Dashboard provides you and your team high level engagement analytics about your organization's participants, including…

  • Adoption metrics
  • Participant spending over time
  • Participant spending by category
  • User feedback

And if you need even more detailed data, Thrive also offers a custom reporting solution upon request.

With the Thrive Client Portal, you'll have the insights and information you need to make informed decisions about your employees’ program. 

Thrive's intuitive user registration form

Invite Employees

As an HR leader, you manage a large workforce and it can be difficult to keep track of every employee’s program and team permissions. 

The Thrive Client Portal simplifies the invitation process for both program managers and users. With the ability to invite and manage your employees individually or in bulk, as well as assign different permissions to HR team members based on their roles, the Client Portal helps to streamline and simplify the process of supporting your employees. 

Manage Programs

In your role as a people leader, you know how important it is to provide the right support to your employees at the right time. However, how can you do that effectively if you don't have the right tools in place to manage their programs and services individually?

The Thrive Client Portal helps you and your team easily manage the programs of each employee, ensuring that they receive the right services and support exactly when they need it. Whether it's career management, career transition, or redeployment, the Client Portal gives you the ability to deliver the right program at the right time, across the entire employee lifecycle.

Thrive's Client Dashboard

View anonymized testimonials and feedback

We help HR professionals understand the experiences of their employees and how they feel about the support programs they receive, without invading their privacy or making them feel uncomfortable. 

The anonymized testimonials and feedback section on the Thrive Client portal provides your team with qualitative feedback and into the experiences of your employees without compromising their privacy or singling them out. This gives organizations a valuable resource for understanding how employees feel about Thrive and how you can improve your support offerings.

Thrive also uses this data to continually improve the platform, services and offerings, ensuring that we’re meeting the needs of HR leaders today and in the future. 

Thrive's Client Portal built-in live chat

Live chat, and the help-desk portal

Although the Thrive Client Portal is designed to be as intuitive and easy-to-use as possible, learning to navigate a new platform isn’t always easy, and your team may encounter questions that they just can’t figure out on their own. 

Thankfully, the Thrive Client Portal offers a live-chat and help-desk portal to provide assistance to human resource teams that need additional support. With these tools, you can quickly get in touch with one of our team members and get the assistance you need to keep your employee support program running smoothly.


The Thrive Client Portal is designed to help human resource teams support their employees in the most effective and efficient way possible. With the Thrive Client Portal, HR team members have ultimate flexibility and choice in managing employees, access reporting on engagement trends and metrics, and get support from the Thrive team.

Additionally, you can review anonymized testimonials and feedback from your employees to get a better understanding of their experiences with the Thrive program, while the live chat and help-desk features enable you to get in touch with our support team quickly.  

Want to see the Thrive Client Portal in action?

If you are an HR leader looking to offer your employees modern career solutions and would like to experience all the benefits and features of the Client Portal, then contact us to book a free demonstration of the Thrive platform.

Let's chat about supporting your
people with Thrive.

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