Thrive Stories

Samira's Story

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Thrive Team
Samira's Story

Samira joined Thrive in 2021 and was bold enough to pursue her dream of building her own small business. Armed with an insatiable desire to grow, her past experience in the finance sector and the support of the entire Thrive team, Samira was able to make her dream of entrepreneurship a reality.

What was your previous role?
Personal Relationship Manager at ATB Financial

Have you ever been through an outplacement process before?
This was my first time. I enjoyed it from start to where I am today. I love the resources, options and timely and friendly follow ups Thrive offers. It's electronic, people friendly, easy to learn and reach by website, call or email. Beth McDonald is my assigned go to client services team member for any questions concerns or suggestions and she is very friendly, approachable and knowledgeable. I love everything about Thrive so far and would recommend it to anyone in need of career transitioning help and guidance.

How did Thrive help you in your career transition?
To begin with I had a virtual meeting with Beth McDonald Client services specialist at Thrive.  A 30 mins beginner session introduction to Thrive after receiving my package from my previous employer. I wasn't mentally ready, however, my perspective changed after speaking to Beth. Her assistance was priceless and the links and resources she guided me on Thrive website were very appropriate. After exploring within and outward I decided to join an entrepreneurial journey and through one of Beth's recommended links - Is Entrepreneurship for Me?, I discovered Andrew Moss who is now my career business coach. We had a few sessions and Andrew is beyond great, kind human and coach. There were ideas that I have been pondering for years, and some after my last employment layoff towards my business plan are now in practice thanks to Andrew. I am beyond impressed and excited to be on this new journey of my career and life that I know is going to be fulfilling and like a dream career coming true, thanks to Thrive,  Beth McDonald and my amazing coach Andrew Moss.

Would you recommend Thrive?
Absolutely! My life and career entrepreneurial dream is now in the beginning stages of reality thanks to Thrive. Like I mentioned previously the experience from start to date was phenomenal and without hiccups. Easy to reach via the platform, digitally or through a human interaction that is what Thrive is great at. I am truly grateful and Thrive will be my career transition go to and will recommend it to anyone I know needs one.

Thrive is on a mission to help people progress their career forward and we are proud to support a community of driven professionals. If you are interested in learning more about our services, book a demo today or contact our team for more information at

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