Thrive Post

From resistance to resilience: uniting leaders and teams through times of change

Post by
Connor McGee
From resistance to resilience: uniting leaders and teams through times of change

The challenge of change

As organizational change accelerates, employee support declines. A Gartner study reveals employee support for organizational change has declined in recent years, dropping from 74% in 2016 to 43% in 2022. This resistance isn’t a symptom of the reluctance to evolve. In fact, other studies reveal employees welcome growth and change, but only under certain conditions.

Identifying the gap

Employee resistance stems from the disconnect between the vision of change held by senior leadership and the everyday reality of the broader workforce. Often tasked with executing change, managers and individual contributors find themselves caught between directives and the realities of implementation. The traditional top-down approach followed by 75% of organizations is creating a gap, and it’s straining your people, resources and morale.

Change in 2024

In 2024, The Employee Experience Trends report identified five key drivers for successful organizational change and winning broader employee support for your initiatives.

The Five Key Drivers to Organizational Change: Trust and transparency, empowering managers, growth opportunities, prioritizing well-being and collective ownership.

Trust and Transparency

Employees who trust their leaders are twice as likely to believe in their company’s ability to navigate challenges, with a 40% greater chance of retention. Clear communication and trust-building are vital components of a successful change strategy.

Our tailored leadership support is designed to build trust through vulnerability, recognition, and transparency. By prioritizing trust, we enhance engagement and loyalty, making teams more adaptable and open to change.

Empowering managers

Frontline managers, crucial in enabling change, are often the most impacted, with a -0.50 difference in experience scores compared to individual contributors. Managers need better support to meet the expectations placed on them.

Thrive equips managers with the tools and insights to lead effectively through change. By involving managers in the planning stages and ensuring their feedback influences action, we strengthen their ability to guide their teams confidently and clearly.

Growth Opportunities

Up to 55% of employee engagement is driven by non-financial recognition and opportunities for professional development. Align growth opportunities with the evolving needs of the organization and your employees.

Thrive believes in a skills-based approach to development, aligning individual growth aspirations with organizational needs. By focusing on skills rather than roles, we help you build a more agile, competent workforce ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Prioritizing Well-Being

Organizations that prioritize well-being see a 0.34 improvement in related scores. Support systems are crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of change-related stress.

Recognizing the stress that change can bring, we place a strong emphasis on health and well-being. We offer support that mitigates role-related stress and supports the well-being of all our users.

Collective Ownership 

In a study analyzing over 90,000 employees, those who felt their input was valued were significantly more engaged, showing a correlation of +0.18 in scores related to individual input and change management success. By fostering collective ownership and opening dialogue at all levels, change is seen as an opportunity rather than a threat, bolstering support and engagement.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Change, while inevitable, doesn't have to be a point of contention. With Thrive's approach, organizations can turn resistance into resilience. Our holistic approach ensures that change is not something to be endured but an opportunity for collective growth and unity.

As we look to the future, the success of organizational change will increasingly depend on our ability to adapt with empathy, strategy, and a deep commitment to our teams. Thrive is here to guide that journey, turning today’s challenges into tomorrow’s successes. Whether its outplacement support or people development, let’s chat about supporting your employees.

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